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Intrusion Prevention System Experts

Intrusion Prevention Systems

Intrusion Prevention Systems Keep Threats Out

Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) protect your network by constantly monitoring traffic, dropping malicious intrusion attempts, and blocking connections with the attackers. An IPS does all of this automatically, without needing human intervention from the IT department.

An IPS protects against:

  • Denial of Service (DoS) attacks
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
  • Known vulnerabilities and exploits
  • Malicious email links and attachments
  • And more
The typical business attack surface continues to get larger and larger. The growing number of network access points means Intrusion Prevention Systems are a necessity to monitor and react to malicious network traffic in real time.

Intrusion Prevention Systems VS. Intrusion Detection Systems

Intrusion Prevention Systems are the evolution of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). The IDS detects suspicious activity and reports it for further investigation. However, by the time IT is able to respond to the detected threat, the damage may already be done.
The IPS solves this by immediately taking protective action once a threat is detected. The IPS still reports suspicious activity, but the delay between discovery and action is eliminated.
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How Intrusion Prevention Systems Work

Intrusion Prevention Systems start by detecting threats.
There are many ways the IPS can detect suspicious activity including:


Anomaly-based: the IPS knows what kind of network behavior falls within a normal operating range. When abnormal behavior is detected, the IPS blocks the attacker’s access immediately.


Signature-based: widespread attacks often have a signature or pattern. As soon as that pattern is identified, the IPS is updated to block attacks that have the signature. Thanks to this feature, exploits that would normally have a large-scale effect are mitigated because the IPS can be taught to detect the signature so quickly.


Policy-based: if your company has specific security policies, the IPS can be configured to detect any behaviors that violate these policies.

Once a threat is detected, the IPS can respond in several ways depending on the threat. As just a few examples, it can drop malicious packets, replace malicious packets, block attacking IP addresses, and update itself to protect against new threats. The IPS also sends reports to your IT administrators and/or IT management company like LeeShanok. 

Intrusion prevention is included in leading next generation firewalls or can be purchased as standalone hardware or software. LeeShanok is available to consult on which IPS solution is the best fit for your network.

Have More Questions?

We’d be more than happy to answer them. Contact us today to speak with one of our network solution experts about how this service can improve your current business model.
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