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LeeShanok IT News

We’ve Moved!

LeeShanok Tech Times – July 2024
Topics include: Five annoying tasks you can automate right now, smartphone solutions for deskless workers, and monsoon preparedness!
LeeShanok Tech Times – June 2024
Topics include: How to put generative AI to use in your business, four popular scams on the rise, and phone […]
LeeShanok Tech Times – April 2024
Topics include: Busting cybersecurity myths, the keys to building high performing teams, and check fraud schemes.

Past Articles

Are You Properly Destroying Your Data?

What happens to your data on the computers, printers, and other technology you get rid of? If you’re not careful, […]

Indeed & Microsoft Phishing Alert

A sophisticated new phishing campaign has been discovered that imitates two of the biggest tools used by businesses: Indeed and Microsoft 365. The […]

LeeShanok Tech Times – September 2023

Topics include: How to safely share passwords, time management skills for leaders, and how to avoid imposter syndrome.

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Leveraging Managed IT Support for Competitive Advantage

In today’s hyper-connected business landscape, technology stands as the cornerstone of efficiency, productivity, and innovation. It provides a platform for […]

School District Fails Cybersecurity 101

In January 2023, An Arizona school district was hit with ransomware. They’re still dealing with the fallout! This month, The […]

LeeShanok Tech Times – August 2023

Topics include: Tips to improve the customer experience, back to school tech tips, secrets to motivating your employees, and more!

Top 10 Types of Malware

With so many different types of malware out there, it can be hard to keep track of them all. CybersecurityNews.com […]

Why Outsourcing Your IT Needs Can Save You Time and Money

Budgets are an important driver for business leaders. Many are looking to save their company time and money by improving […]

LeeShanok Tech Times – July 2023

Topics include: Questions you need to ask your IT provider, prepping your server room for the Monsoon season, three questions […]

LeeShanok Tech Times – June 2023

The very first edition of LeeShanok Tech Times! Topics include: How to get the most out of your internal IT […]

7 Ways Managed IT Services Can Help Grow Your Business.

Business growth means many things to many different organizational leaders. For some, business growth applies to expanding the availability of […]

Unlock Your Business Potential With Top-Notch Managed IT Services In Phoenix: Boost Efficiency, Security, And Reliability Today!

When LeeShanok states we have the most reliable, go-to managed IT services Phoenix offers, we point to our usage of […]

Hey Can I Plug in My Phone?

Never plug something into your computer that you don’t trust. Even charging cables can be dangerous! Hackers are using seemingly […]

Chart-Topping Tax Scams of 2023

Billboard has their Hot 100 list of best-selling songs. LeeShanok has the Hot 4 tax scams for 2023. With the […]

AI is Here! Now What?

ChatGPT and related AI technologies are making headlines for their ability to generate natural-language text. But cybersecurity experts agree it’s only a […]

Bad Ads Make Us Sad

As if online ads weren’t annoying enough, we also have to worry about malicious ads stealing our data. Hackers recently set up […]

Sick of Passwords? We Are Too!

According to Google, 75% of Americans are fed up with passwords. Are you one of them? Trying to remember a […]

Cybersecurity Resolutions for 2023!

Welcome to 2023! As we all reflect on goals and resolutions for the new year, don’t forget to make security […]

TikTok a National Security Threat?

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr recently called for a US ban on the social media app TikTok. The proposal is based […]

City of Tucson Breached

The City of Tucson recently disclosed a data breach that occurred on May 29th, 2022. Over 123K people were affected […]

Janet Jackson Hacking Laptops?! 

Janet Jackson Hacking Laptops?! We can never be sure where the next hack will come from! Janet Jackson’s 1989 hit […]

Passwords Passwords Passwords

Passwords Passwords Passwords Do not repeat your passwords. We repeat: do not repeat your passwords! A recent wave of credential […]

Who’s Securing Your Security?

What happens when the security tools you rely on are breached? Password manager LastPass recently reported theft of internal source […]

Browser Extension Threats

North Korean hackers were recently found stealing emails using malicious browser extensions. This story is the perfect excuse to remind […]

Android Malware Forcing Paid Subscriptions

Is your phone stealing from you? New Android malware has been discovered that signs users up for paid subscriptions and […]

Protect your Technology From the Monsoon Season

Our brutal Arizona summer is here! And with it, our annual reminder to protect your tech from extreme weather. June is […]

New Microsoft Office Zero Day Exploit

Cybersecurity news sites are reporting a newly discovered attack using Microsoft Word documents. The “Follina” security flaw can infect users […]

Password Recommendations Have Changed

In 2020 and 2021, The National Institute for Standards in Technology (NIST) released updated guidance for passwords. Some of these […]

Windows 11: Proceed as Needed

When Windows 11 launched to the public, we recommended businesses delay the upgrade. Now, seven months after release, most compatibility […]

Microsoft 365 License Changes

Microsoft is making some changes to how Microsoft 365 licenses are managed. Starting June 30th, Microsoft will require a minimum […]

3G Shutdown By End of Year

Telecom companies are phasing out 3G networks to shift focus to the newer 5G networks. AT&T has already shutdown their […]

Safer Alternatives to Email 

Email is incredibly convenient, but it’s also highly targeted by hackers. According to Help Net Security, 83% of organizations experienced […]

Ukraine Conflict: Cybersecurity Protections

The conflict in Ukraine is increasing the threat of Russian cyberattacks against American businesses. The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency […]

LeeShanok IT News – Fake Windows 11 Upgrade Malware

A new attack disguised as a Windows 11 upgrade is currently infecting systems worldwide. These attacks result in the installation […]

Google Drive Warning About Suspicious Files

You may start seeing a new warning on files you open in Google Drive. When you click the link to […]

Hackers Mailing Bad USB Drives

According to a new FBI warning, cyber criminals are mailing USB drives capable of installing malware onto business networks. These […]

LeeShanok IT News IT Resolutions for 2022!

The new year is just around the corner! As the calendar turns, it’s a great time to reflect on what […]

LeeShanok IT News – Major Vulnerability – Log4j Exploit

  Last week, a significant cybersecurity vulnerability was identified dubbed Log4j or Log4Shell. The vulnerability allows hackers to remotely control a […]

IT Security 101A Webinar, $100 Amazon Raffle

There are many risks that target common workers and the devices we use each day. According to Malwarebytes, employees are […]

LeeShanok IT News: 2021 Projects & Invoices

The new year is approaching, and we are running out of time for projects, equipment purchases, and related invoicing in […]

LeeShanok IT News: Comcast Xfinity Outage Today

Comcast Xfinity customers in multiple US states have experienced interruptions in their services today. This includes many of LeeShanok’s clients […]

LeeShanok IT News: Delay Windows 11 Upgrade

In early October, Microsoft released the Windows 11 operating system. Some changes include an updated interface, integration with Android apps, […]

LeeShanok IT News: Update Apple iOS and Mac OS

Users of Apple phones, tablets, computers & watches need to take action to prevent vulnerabilities when opening PDF files and […]

Update Microsoft Office Apps

Windows Update usually defaults to NOT receive updates for other Microsoft products, meaning that your Microsoft Office apps may become seriously […]

Protect Adobe Acrobat & Reader

PDF files have become industry standard for sharing documents using email attachments. Similar to Microsoft Office files, PDF files may […]

LeeShanok IT News: Windows 11 Phishing Schemes

Scammers often piggyback phishing campaigns on top of major announcements that interest large groups of people. The up-coming Windows 11 […]

LeeShanok IT News: Business Email Compromise

With traditional email phishing campaigns, one of the best ways to recognize and delete such messages is whether you know […]

LeeShanok IT News: IT Security Webinars Fall 2021

So your firm has layered security in place to protect against common threats to your network, domain, storage and end-user […]

LeeShanok IT News: Phishing Emails Include Phone Numbers

A new type of email phishing campaign is easily passing through firewalls and spam filters by avoiding the usual links […]

LeeShanok IT News: Watch for Phishing Red Flags

Phishing email messages remain the #1 method for hacking groups to deliver ransomware to targeted companies. Phishing campaigns have become […]
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