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Implement Multifactor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication

What is Multifactor Authentication?

Multifactor authentication is a tool that verifies you are who you say you are when logging into a secure service. The “multifactor” piece of multifactor authentication means that login attempts require two or more verification methods in order for the service to grant access. The most common example of multifactor authentication is a username and password plus a code from your smartphone. This code is either sent via text message or generated using an authenticator app.
Multifactor authentication is an important security layer because a hacker would need your login credentials and your smartphone to access your account. This additional authentication step makes it ext6remely difficult to gain unauthorized access.

Boost Security with Multifactor Authentication

According to Microsoft, multifactor authentication (MFA) reduces the chance of an account being compromised by 99.9%. MFA is a critical security layer that should be enabled for any application with sensitive data. Regardless of method, the general formula for MFA is What you Know + What you Have = Successful login.
Other examples of MFA include:
  • Biometrics like fingerprints or facial scans
  • Phone calls to a phone number you specify
  • Physical devices like key fobs or ID cards
Woman with phone

LeeShanok Enables Multifactor Authentication for Your Business

Many business applications support multifactor authentication. It’s such a powerful security tool that we strongly recommend enabling it whenever possible. In business settings, it can be difficult to enable and enforce MFA policies across the entire workforce.

LeeShanok streamlines this process by identifying which of your business applications allow MFA, setting policies that require MFA, and providing an authenticator app installation guide for employee devices. This can be done organization wide, or in phases. For example, requiring MFA for the IT team before rolling it out to the rest of the company.

Business applications where MFA should be enabled:

  • Cloud software accounts like Microsoft 365 or your company’s CRM
  • Your company VPN
  • Remote desktop connections
  • Any application that grants access to sensitive company data

The strength of multifactor authentication makes it an important security tool for protecting your company’s most sensitive data. Let LeeShanok assist in rolling out MFA effectively in your organization. 

Have More Questions?

We’d be more than happy to answer them. Contact us today to speak with one of our network solution experts about how this service can improve your current business model.
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