With 2017 kicking off, we would like to take a minute to make you aware of an area all companies can improve in; SECURITY!
It seems with each passing year IT infrastructure becomes more necessary, more rewarding, and unfortunately, more dangerous. In 2016 alone we saw some big names encounter security troubles in a very public manner. British Airways, Banner Health, Uber, Experian/ T-mobile, Slack, Minecraft, Yahoo, MySpace and so many other large companies have fallen victim to both targeted attacks and their own poor security practices.
Losing company data can be a terrifying prospect. Reacting to a breach is never as beneficial as preventing one in the first place an unfortunately there is no “SECURITY” one-button fix. So, this year, our IT newsletters are going to focus on security and how your company can avoid costly security mistakes.
Now, we know that was probably a bit terrifying. (It was to us!) However, we’re here to help keep that frightening scenario from ever happening to you. In the coming months we will address the security concerns highlighted in that clip as well as a few others! So stay tuned, and hopefully you will never have to deal with IT events quite that dramatic.
If you have any questions or assistance in performing these steps, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Your Technology Partner,
The LeeShanok Team